API Reference

Based on the experience we have at Aro we understand some fields to be more valuable than others


Our API is designed to be lenient with the fields required, as we will redirect customers towards our own EC form to collect any mandatory data if not supplied or invalid.

Partners benefit from not requiring a comprehensive set of data from their customers before sending them to our environment.

Redirect API - Credit Card Offers

We attempt to find offers immediately with the fields provided in the request payload (as long as they are the minimum viable fields we require as standard practice).

There are cases in which some lenders have an internal requirement for some fields.These fields are denoted as being Highly Recommended within the API Reference.

As of now, the list of fields consists of a singular field: Employment_Industry.

Redirect API - Unsecured Loan Offers

We attempt to find offers only when we have the fields required either through the initial request payload, or through additional data provided by the customer within our own form.

Eligibility API - Search All Offers

The following validation rules are enforced by the API:

  1. If employment status is not Retired or Unemployed, then we require Employment Industry, Gross Income, and Employer Name to be supplied.
  2. If employment status is Retired or Unemployed, then Other Incomes must be supplied.
  3. At least one of Home or Mobile number are supplied.
  4. At least 3 Years of consecutive Address history.
  5. Monthly Rent Share must be less than or equal to total Mortgage/Rent.
  6. For secured, if property was previously Council, then council purchase fields present (note that Council field is optional)
  7. For secured, if property purchased under Help to Buy scheme, then is Help to Buy settled (note that Help to Buy field is optional)