API Reference

How we deliver reporting to you

Data Share File


We have a standard report file (.csv) which we deliver to all of our Partners daily.

The following is a table denoting the fields we provide as a standard report, alongside their corresponding data type and description.

Field NameData TypeDescriptionSince CSV Version
emailString(150)The customer's email address provided in the application payload.1
source_codeString(20)The Partner source code provided in the application payload.1
campaign_codeString(255)The campaign code provided in the application payload.1
application_created_dateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)The date at which the application was created.1
declinedString(1)Whether the offer was declined or not. Can be (Y/N).1
proceededString(1)Whether the offer was proceeded with or not. Can be (Y/N).1
funded_dateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)The date at which the offer was paid out. This value can be empty.1
funded_productString(100)The product type for the offer. This value can be empty.1
funded_loan_amountDecimal(10,2)The total paid out loan amount. Numeric (to 2 decimal places). This value can be empty.1
funded_aprDecimal(10,2)The paid out loan's APR. Numeric (to 2 decimal places). This value can be empty.1
funded_termDecimal(10,2)The paid out loan's term in months. Numeric (to 2 decimal places). This value can be empty.1
partner_referenceString(64)The Partner reference provided in the application payload. This value can be empty.2
commission_payableDecimal(10,2)The gross amount of commission that is payable. Numeric (to 2 decimal place). This value can be empty.3

This data share file is available via SFTP on a regular basis (for example overnight) as either a push or pull from Aro.

It contains data from the current month to-date as well as the prior months data to allow for maturity of any proceeds that might take longer to payout.

Data Share File Q&A

1. What is meant by EC?

Each row in the CSV is an individual EC (Eligibility Check, or application) - so multiple ECs for a customer can exist.

2. If a customer is offered a loan, then the next day accepts it, are there two rows - one for each of these two actions of that customer? Or are earlier rows ever changed once they have been supplied?

There will be 2 rows because the next accept will be on a another EC.

3. If a customer is listed in the CSV file as taking out a loan but, for example, cancels a loan within the cooling off period of 14 days, how are we to know that this happened in the CSV?

Aro haven’t built the capability to highlight this, but where it was previously funded and cancelled the columns related funded will be empty when this happens - if today’s file showed as funded, then becomes cancelled then tomorrow the funded columns will be empty.

4. Does the lack of IDs per proceeded product in the CSV mean we can assume there will be one product per customer, and later rows for the same customer are just updated information on the same product?

User can take 2 products and they will be as 2 separate rows.

5. How many files will there be, and what will each file relate to?

This is a single daily file that will be generated and uploaded to the SFTP server location at 6am UTC, 7 days a week.

6. What's the naming convention of the files?

The file will have the convention PartnerName_daily_YYYY_MM_DD.csv where the YYYY_MM_DD represents the day the file was created. Eg. 18th April 2024 (PartnerName_daily_2024_04_18.csv).

7. Will files be replaced or updated, or coexist with older files?

The files have different names (based on date) so will happily coexist with older files.

8. Will the name be changed upon update/replace?

Existing files are not updated or replaced.

9. If a file has data for "previous month + month to date", and a new file is supplied every day, do older files relating to, say, two months ago still exist?

Yes, the historic data files will exist on the SFTP server location.

Power BI Reporting

If you have requested online reporting access via Microsoft PowerBI the reports are updated via a daily scheduled load each morning, which refreshes the data that the reports use up to midnight the day before.

The refreshed data will be available to view in the reports from approximately 7:30am each morning.